Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Give me a bit of your life.
I beg you,let me stand in your position
and see,
what are all the things,
that a perfect human being can feel.

The happiness with which you are living,
let me share it with you.
The joyous atmosphere around you,
let me feel it too.
Give me a bit of your life.

The tension prevailing in your mind,
tell me what its due to.
The different pressures on you from all around,
let me take a few.
Give me a bit of your life.

Your face has swollen red,
you curse whomever you see.
You're exploding with anger,
let that devil in you be me.
Give me a bit of your life.

You are utterly depressed,
you cry throughout the day.
The hurdles in your path,
let them come in my way.
Give me a bit of your life.

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