Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I'm working in the service industry. Here, I have to assume the role of a football, am kicked here and there, get dribbled between customers. But, I have no say, have to obey what the customer orders. I cant afford to lose a single penny. I have to trade anything and everything I have, for just that extra buck. If i'm left with nothing to trade, I have to sell my dignity, to earn a little something more.
The dictionary says that service is, "the assistance given to customers" but the industry policy is that : "The customer is the Master and all the people working in the service industry are his slaves". A slave is not someone who assists, but an object which is "owned" and can be made use of, in every possible way.
If the customer is dissatisfied, I'm the one who pays for it (by getting kicked out of my job) and even if the customer is satisfied, still I'm the one who pays (by being made to serve the customer even more ie; getting kicked around here and there all over again)!!!

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