Thursday, December 4, 2008

Breaking news : The most brave dare being attempted by a man

This was what the headlines (in different lingos) on every local news channel read, after I made the announcement, which was actually a casual SMS, I had sent to all the contacts in my phonebook.

I was all over the news channels. The TV journos hovered around my house just to get a glimpse of me, probably my parents, and if not, even the housemaid would do. I was a celebrity overnight. So, everything associated with me had some or the other significance; even the housefly which occasionally made a landing on my head. My neighbours were interviewed and even teachers from some random school who claimed to have taught me.

The channels traced by family lineage up till my great great grandfather, whom even my grandfather wouldn't have known. Hazy footages of my SMS being typed and sent were being replayed over and over again. A talk show involving industrialists, social activists and film personalities was announced for the evening, the subject being - my announcement. People, the world over, were sending SMSes to the news channels, voting in favour of, or against my decision. The channels were cashing in on my publicity.

The world was perplexed as to what had instigated me to make such an attempt. Frantic phone calls from friends and relatives never ceased. Everyone thought that it might probably be the last time he/she would be speaking to me over the cellphone. I was warned, counselled and even threatened; the repercussions of my act could be drastic.

I really could not fathom what this hue and cry was all about, as I did not intend to do anything but to just renounce my mobile phone and lead a cellphone-free life for some time. Can this decision of mine be that questionable or surprising?


Anonymous said...

haha... nice!

eldee said...

uyo.. much ado about nothing.. what is this forest? i was expecting something more original. :(

Black Forest said...

well since my mind was blank and i had to write, this thing was born...nothing intentional