Saturday, October 13, 2012

Khap Panchayat....Shut-Aap Panchayat

Dear Khap Panchayat,

First of all, let me just say that I am extremely sorry to hear about your loss (of senses). God can often be too cruel. In this case she has exacerbated your already uneducated behaviour with this loss. Therefore, it doesn't come as a surprise to me that you are ignorant about the world, the constitution of India and the 21st century.

But then, there is something very contradictory here. While your thinking is primitive, your attitude is too futuristic. You are living in a time where males are the only human beings on this planet. You ignore the presence of a different species of human beings, that being the female kind. Rather, your impaired vision does not allow you to see women to be any different from robots (designed to do manual work) and baby bearing machines. I know you've been taught that you came out of a machine into which your fathers dropped their man juice 9 months before you were born, but, I regret to inform you that the world has to rubbish all those claims of yours.

Unfortunately, we are not living in such advanced times. Here, women are living beings. There are only anatomical differences between the two sexes. In the battle of the sexes, the one who is stronger or more tactical, wins; it is not always the male by default. Rape (when occured to a woman) is a battle where the men/man win(s). Contrary to your belief, rape is not a force majeure like Tsunami which cannot be controlled nor like rain from which you can seek shelter by carrying an umbrella. Most importantly, it is not related to the marital status of a woman! You seem to have forgotten that out of this latest figure of 19 rape cases in your home turf, there have been few cases in which married and widowed women were involved. The truth is that there are lot of lust ridden erotomaniacs out there, who need to have wind chimes made out of their genitals. Instead of smoking these monsters out of the society, you come up with your baloney about early marriage! For your kind information, girls are not unwanted properties and marriage is not a barbed wire fence which can prevent infiltrators from trespassing into them.

While I am writing this, you must be having a high profile hookah smoking and tobacco chewing session/gathering to discuss the issue of lowering the marriageable age of girls to prevent rape in Haryana. Going by your "analysis", girls not being married is resulting in rape and the your "solution" of marrying off girls early, is so amusing that I can't wait to learn about the outcome of your meeting. Just for the record, few days back, 6 and 7 year old girls were raped in Gurgaon. Now looking at this from your point of view, I think child marriages should be brought back to present times.

My two bits on this issue: Stop applying your brains (if any) to restrict prospective victims from leading a normal life under the guise of marriage and identify the sociopaths before they claim their next victim. In case you feel your hands are tied, congratulations! It is time for you to stop running a parallel government. At least the victims of caste discrimination would be relieved.

Yours Faithfully

Vipin Vishnu

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