From the day I was born(may 1,1984),till early 2003,I never had
any fracture,any dreadful disease,I didnt have any disease for that
matter,even fever had attacked me only about a coupla times.Then God
thought that I shouldn't be left like this,I probably might conquer
the world or something.So on jan 12,2003 God really kicked my ass!
I was going from Delhi to Kerala on Mangla Express.My mom had
especially told me not to get down on any of the platforms.I said ok n stuff
at that instant.Then i went to the station,got in the train at around
10.00a.m and left Delhi.It was around 12.30p.m or something when the
lunch was served.Agra was the next station.I thought why not I get
down and buy a bottle of water!
So,without paying any heed to my mother's words,I got down,well there was no need to,actually.If I had asked the catering crew in the train,they would've gotten it for
me.But I didnt.So I got down at Agra station and was at the counter getting the water
bottle,when, I turned back to see the train compartment had
already passed.So what I did was,with the bottle in one hand,I tried to
jump and get into the compartment which was the nearest.When I had just
placed my step inside the compartment,I saw the compartment door
closing on me(I dont know who the guy was who did
it,obviously he hadn't seen me).I lost my balance and slipped(mind
you,the train was still moving).If I had fallen and not slipped,I
would've probably landed up on the platform with minor injuries or
maximum,a fracture.
But that is not how God wanted it to be,so here I
saw myself slipping right inside the gap between the platform and the
train's side,with the upper half of my body on the platform and the
lower half hanging inside the gap.The train kept moving
continously,its steps hitting my back one after another,its speed
increasing! "Now thats what I call getting my ass kicked by the
almighty himself".People looking out from inside the train,saw my upper
half,ie; back and head on the platform and felt that I was not going to
survive,people on the platform saw me still "hanging on".I was in full agreement
with the people inside the train as my conscience said,"thats it buddy!
your game's over!" and I kind of humour myself "I knew my lifeline was
short but I didnt know my end would be in this freaky way!"
But I told you,God wanted to play games with me.He kicked me again and I came back on
to the platform.....and thats true,I dont know what force pushed me
back there,because I hadn't made any effort! By that time almost the
entire train had passed on my back.The people in the platform asked
the guard in the end compartment to stop the train and he did
that,then they carried me and put me back on my seat.To my
astonishment,I did not have any external injuries,no sign of any
injury for that matter,other than just a bit of dirt on my pants!
The entire compartment and some train crew were around me looking at
me,as if I was from outer space or something.Then the TTE arrived and
he made a call for a doctor from the next station.The doctor arrived
at the station after that and looking at my external make
up,concluded that I didnt have any fracture or anything.She gave me
some pain killers and slapped a bill of 150 bucks on my forehead(before doing my "check up",she had asked whether I had 150
Rs,her fee,to pay her!).I thought,okay,if the pain killers gave me
some relief,I'd go to kerala and get some treatment done,if
needed,as I didnt know the extent of the problem I had,then.After she
left,I lay there like a wounded animal and after some time I got a
call of nature.With some 4 people supporting me,I walked to the loo,and
to my amazement I was not able to pass it! This happened
repeatedly some 3 or 4 times.Someone said,its because I was not
drinking much of water.So,I drank lots of water! Again the same
episode(me not being able to pee!).So now the situation was that,I had
lots of water in my bladder but was not able to pass it outside.Then I noticed that my abdomen had swollen.I was withstanding all the other pain,but this one I
couldn't! I had 2 bellies now.One,my normal one and the other was the
abdomen which had taken the shape of a belly!
The night passed,but I was not able to sleep.The
next morning I told one of my co-passengers to call up my father,who
was in Chennai, and narrate the situation to him.Thankfully,the train was going via
the "konkan" way,so the train passed just about near bombay,at a station called
kalyan.My dad called up 2 of my uncles in bombay and they came to my
rescue.So after surviving around 22 hrs in the train,I got out of it
and my uncles took me to an ortho clinic,because they didnt know exactly
what the problem was with me is.4 minor fractures were found in my pelvic
area,but howmuchever minor they were,they were in the pelvic area where
obviously plaster coudnt be wrapped! The minor farctures gave rise to a
major problem,a scar in my urinary track,which has blocked the urine
flow! The doc said that if I had gone to kerala without passing urine
throughout the journey,the urine would've started flowing along with
my blood and it wud've been sayonara time for me!
I was made to stay in a small room in the small clinic and an external urologist was called,who made my stay there a living hell! He did some test on me,with just local anesthesia,which took the life out of me.He was planning to operate me the
next day,but my dad,who was staying along with me in the clinic,decided
upon a second opinion. He went to a more established hospital and the
HOD for urology said that nothing was to be hurried now.He gave the
reference of a doctor in chennai and asked my dad to take me there.My dad told this
to the ortho guy,so he said okay,but probably out of jealousy or
whatever,slapped a huge bill amount.I came to chennai,missed my 2nd
semester classes entirely,decided to write the exams anyway,flunked in 8
outta 10 of them.Meanwhile my bones were improving.After finishing my
exams I went to the doctor in the hospital in chennai and he operated me.Some
after effects would be there for some time,he said.The stay in appolo
was a luxury and the treatment was absolutely fantastic.Though even
they slapped a huge bill amount,it was worth it.I never felt
uncomfortable in appolo.
I have never felt so much pain and fever(umpteen number of times)during this
endeavour of mine,in my entire life.I later on cleared all of my
left over papers.
Now you can guess what all consequences can be faced,if you dont pay
heed to your mother's words!!
Friday, May 18, 2007
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