Wednesday, May 23, 2007

THE CAGE ( its on my college life !! )

Around 3 yrs since
the bird has been caged.
Around 3 yrs since
the war has been waged.

The war is between
the privileged and the deprived.
For an ounce of freedom
like hell, the bird has strived.

But alas it can fly nowhere
its wings have been clipped.
In doing so
its enormous faith has been ripped.

The victors in the war have
not always been the privileged.
When the deprived tasted victory,
the gap between the two abridged.

All ties were severed later,
the war infuriated more.
The stench of the filthy souls
choked the bird's lungs to the core.

Myriad change of events might occur,
but the bird's still entrapped in the cage.
Without the worldly pleasures,
it leads its life like a sage.

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