Monday, April 7, 2008


Once and only once,
do you get an opportunity.
If not grabbed then,
you suffer for eternity.

You say or do something,
without realising the effect of it.
Only later sometime in life,
you regret what you did.

The consequence of that one deed,
strikes you real hard.
From avoiding that ghastly situation,
you seem to be barred.

This lump in your heart stays with you,
till the time you're alive.
You are beareaved of all ties,
on your own you have to strive.

You are depressed, deprived of the happiness,
are unwilling to the pay the price.
Wish you could go back and make ammends,
but only then do you realise,
that once and only once,
do you get an opportunity.
If not grabbed then,
you suffer for eternity.

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